Welcome to Lil’ Sharks

Looking to shop or learn more about sharks?

Shop Shark in a Bottle

Unique keepsake featuring a baby dogfish shark. Used as an educational tool, conversation piece, novelty gift and inspiration for the Marine Biologists in your life.

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  • Ethical Sourcing Commitment

    At Lil' Sharks, we're dedicated to sourcing marine specimens responsibly, ensuring that our practices align with environmental sustainability and the preservation of . . .

  • How We Source Responsibly

    Commercial fishing boats around the world, fish adult spiny dogfish to be served in restaurants. The pups are often caught as bycatch meaning they are . . .

  • Working with NOAA for Sustainability

    Our sourcing practices operate within the framework of a long-standing, highly regulated fishing industry. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration . .


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